Bangkok Organisation of the «AMR activities for Asia in 2021-22» Number of participants: 50 Planned for end of 2021 Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) is a public health crisis and an important topic to be addressed, especially now on the Asian continent. The AMR international conference in Bangkok is planned to happen at the end of 2021, […]
New Contract in Niger
Niger Support to the strengthening of the business environment in Niger through an efficient, inclusive and modern public-private dialogue and the facilitation of inter-business partnerships between Niger and Europe May 2021 – January 2023 The formal economy in Niger is largely structured around foreign companies, primarily the exploitation of uranium and oil. Given a business […]
New Contract in Djibouti
Djibouti Drafting of the master plan for Waste management in Djibouti City March 2021 – March 2022 The organization and means for the collection and transport of waste produced in Djibouti have seen significant changes and improvements since the 2010s but due to the expansion of Djibouti City, the production of waste has increased in […]