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Organisation de 7 Comités de Suivi National du Programme ECOFAC 6 – CEEAC

This full day “hybrid” conference where 40 participants from EU Delegations gathered, including Chadian officials and organisations linked with the “Programme d’Appui pour la Préservation de la Biodiversité et les Ecosystèmes Fragiles d’Afrique […]

Phase 3 – Logistical Support through Support Measures

Over the past decade, relations between Peru and the European Union have deepened and diversified significantly, covering cooperation in various areas covered by the UE / Peru Cooperation Program 2014 […]

Phase 4 – Logistical Support through Support Measures

Continuation of Phase 3. Over the past decade, relations between Peru and the European Union have deepened and diversified significantly, covering cooperation in various areas covered by the UE / […]

Evaluation of Environment Programmes

The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders and the wider public with: 1. an overall independent assessment […]

Support to the State Aid Council

The objective of this project was to support the State Aid Council in further development and implementation of the system of rules and procedures in the area of State aid […]