C&M is proud to announce that TIEG in consortium with FCG Germany was awarded a new contract in Aruba in the Caribbean region.
The global objective is to start the implementation process of the EU cooperation with Aruba for the period 2021-2027 by supporting the formulation of its territorial programme. The main objective also includes the assessment of the eligibility of budget support relevant and credible national or sector strategies, policies, and/or reforms; stability-focused economic policies, a relevant and credible plan to improve public financial management, budget oversight and publicly available budget information. A presentation of how EU budget support can support strengthening partnerships with partner countries, promote sustainable development, eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, and consolidate peace and democracy is also required in order to improve Aruba’s dialogues with the European authorities through a better understanding of the European Union’s procedures and intervention logic.
The following services will be provided by our two experts:
- Preparation of analytical reports to support the formulation process.
- Logistic and methodological support on the organisation of consultations with designated stakeholders.
- Liaison with the EU Delegation in Guyana, which is steering the overall process.
- Assistance to the Government of Aruba key stakeholders and representatives throughout the overall process of formulation of the 2021-2027 territorial programme in close dialogue with the EU Delegation in Guyana.
The contract has been signed on December 2022 and the expected duration is 6 months.