The newly awarded contract to TIEG is designed to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Montenegro and to increase access of vulnerable MSME business to economic recovery.
The country economy has been strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in significant decline in domestic and external economic activity during 2020. Domestic demand was strongly reduced by the confinement measures imposed in the second quarter of 2020, as well as the slow restart of the economy following their relaxation. Despite intensive fiscal support provided to businesses, the economy is still having difficulties in reaching the growth rates before the pandemic. In this light the project will support Montenegrin administration mitigating the impact of the crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic to the MSME sector in Montenegro.
More specifically, our team of 5 experts will be focusing on the following clusters of activities:
- Support to development of the Strategy for circular transition of Montenegro until 2030.
- Advisory support and coaching for MSMEs in preparation and implementation of digital transformation to enhance competitiveness.
- Advisory support and coaching to skilled crafts and strengthen their capacities in overcoming the negative effects of crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
- Technical assistance for development of diversified and authentic rural touristic offer to help the post-COVID-19 recovery and further improvement of the rural touristic households.
- Evaluation of COVID-19 support to private sector in Montenegro.
The project will start on 22 August 2022 and most of the activities will be carried out in Montenegro in the next 9 months.