This 1-day “hybrid” conference where 40 participants from EU Delegations gathered, including Congolese officials and organisations linked with the “Programme d’Appui pour la Préservation de la Biodiversité et les Ecosystèmes Fragiles d’Afrique centrale (ECOFAC 6)” and also including participants from the Parks’ staff and online participants through videoconferencing platforms and tools.
The aim of the event was to present the yearly results of the programme in this currently challenging “covid-19” pandemic era and elaborate on future recommendations.
For this project, NOOKOM was entrusted with all logistic arrangements, both on-site (booking of venue with A/V equipment, production of badges, printed & branded visuals and conference kits, hiring of team of hostesses/stewards, and cameramen with their materials for the live streaming), as well as online (videoconference platforms, technical support and assistance with presentations).