Sao Tomé e Principe
« Comités de Suivi National du Programme ECOFAC 6 – CEEAC »
Number of participants : 70
7 – 8 April 2021
The biodiversity and ecosystem in Africa are fragile and require maintenance. In order to provide such appropriate care, especially during the challenging Covid-19 Pandemic situation, stakeholders gathered in Sao Tome e Principe to present the yearly results of their actions and to elaborate future recommendations. Through C&M -service provider of NOOKOM- an audio-visual support has been operated on-site as well as online by organising a videoconferencing platform, with live streaming from the meeting room, and online simultaneous interpretation arrangements.
This 2-day “hybrid” meeting physically gathered 40 participants at the Pestana Hotel in Sao Tomé, which welcomed representatives from EU Delegations, Sao Tome e Principe officials, NGOs and organisations linked with the “Programme d’Appui pour la Préservation de la Biodiversité et les Ecosystèmes Fragiles d’Afrique centrale (ECOFAC 6)”, including participants from the African national parks’ staff and about 30 online participants through videoconferencing method.
For this project, C&M hired a team of 6 ‘online’ interpreters for the languages French, English and Portuguese as well as a cameraman with audio-visual material for the live streaming of the debates and interventions. C&M provided the technical support and assistance during the videoconference, which broadcasted the workshop to the 30 additional participants online.