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TIEG Consortium’s first Meeting for the new awarded Framework Contract SIEA 2018 of the European Commission
The first TIEG consortium meeting for the new Framework Contract (FWC) SIEA 2018, launched by the European Commission (DEVCO), for lot 2: “Infrastructures, sustainable Growth and Jobs”, took place in Bratislava, Headquarters of TIEG and C&M, on May 17th, 2018. The meeting, chaired by Michel Doumont (C&M), CEO of TIEG and Project Director of the consortium for the new FWC, gathered most of the consortium members, either physically or via teleconference.
The overall demand for infrastructure and technology is expected to significantly increase in the coming decades, driven by factors such as the global economic growth, technological changes, energy challenges, climate change, urbanization, and the intensification of congestion. The new lot 2 of the FWC SIEA 2018, to which TIEG consortium belongs, covers all those sectors with the key goal to ensure economic and social sustainability. The lot 2, within SIEA 2018, is a combination of the lots 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10 under the previous FWC BENEF, extended to new fields of development.
It is composed of 10 sectors, divided in 72 sub-sectors:
- Transports and Infrastructures (10 sub-sectors)
- Digital Technologies and Services (8)
- Earth Observation (3)
- Urban Development and Cities (5)
- Sustainable Energy (7)
- Nuclear Safety (7)
- Sustainable Waste Management (1)
- Private Sector (11)
- Trade (16)
- Employment Creation (4)
The sectoral spread of this new lot is wide. Numerous specializations are required: civil engineers, architects, economists, sociologists, environmentalists, physicians, etc., expecting from the consortium evidenced experience and qualified in-house staffing in all of them.
The consortium led by TIEG is composed of consulting companies combining extensive and complementary experiences of international technical assistance projects’ implementation in the various fields of infrastructures and technologies, sustainable economic and social development. In addition to its Active Members (C&M and TAS), TIEG has proposed a number of partner companies to join with the aim of completing or consolidating its sectoral strengths: I) DAI (all sectors); 2) EGIS (Transport, Infrastructures, Urban development); 3) ASTEC (ICT); 4) SWS (Waste Treatment, Water); 5&6) NRG and DBE (Nuclear Safety) ; 7) Pohl C&A (Infrastructure, Trade & Private Sector); 8) Schuman Associates: (EU Affairs, ITC and private sector); 9&10) Azimut 360 and Trinomics (Energy); 11&12) IDP and Luxconsult (Waste Management), and 13) ÖSB (Employment). TIEG is not the sole experienced framework contractor within the consortium. Most of the partners have cumulated experiences of lead entity or partners in previous lots FWC BENEF, the sectors of which are now incorporated in the new lot 2. E.g.: ASTEC (leader lot 3); DAI (leader Lot 10 and partner Lot 4), Pohl C&A (leader Lot 10 and partner Lot 2), SWS (partner lot 2), DBE (partner Lot 4), ÖSB (partner Lot 9), and IDP (partner Lot 10). Members have also experience of FWC EIBAS 2016, such as TIEG (partner lot 3 and 4) and EGIS (leader Lot 3).
The consortium meeting helped the consortium members to understand the organization of the consortium for the FWC lot 2, as well as their respective role in the future offers it will prepare to respond the requests of services that will be launched, as of 1st of June 2018, by the various services of the European Union’s institutions involved in development aid and neighbourhood policy, for the coming months and the next years.
FWC SIEA 2018 Lot2 (2018-2022): Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs
The consortium led by TiEG, the European Economic Interest Grouping conducted by Consulting & Management (C&M) in partnership with TAS Europrojects Ltd, has been awarded for the new Framework Contract SIEA 2018. This Multiple Framework Contract aims at recruiting short-term services in the exclusive interest of third countries benefiting from European Union external aid. TIEG is selected for the LOT 2: “Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs”.
The other partners within the consortium are DAI Europe Ltd, DAI BRUSSELS SPRL, DAI Global LLC, EGIS INTERNATIONAL SAS, SWS Consulting Engineering – Structures, Water & Survey, S.r.l, ASTEC Global Consultancy Ltd, Pohl Consulting & Associates GmbH, Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, AZIMUT 360 SCC, ŐSB Consulting GmbH, SCHUMAN ASSOCIATES SCRL, IDP Ingeniería y Arquitectura Iberia, S.L.U, LUXCONSULT (MAURITIUS) LTD, Trinomics B.V.
The objective of the FWC SIEA 2018 is to provide, via individual assignments, defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, short-term expertise which can be mobilised at very short notice. The quality of the services, which can be performed by internal or external expertise, is guaranteed by the Framework Contractor disposing of the appropriate internal technical skills and resources. The expertise may cover any of the following sector(s) within the Lot 2 “Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs”:
- Transport and Infrastructures
- Digital technologies and services
- Earth Observation
- Urban Development and Cities
- Sustainable Energy
- Nuclear safety
- Sustainable Waste management
- Private sector
- Trade
- Employment creation (Labour Market and Employment – formal and non-formal)
The expertise cover any geographic area, within or outside the EU.

2018/12 (058) RDV Energy 2018/402-020, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Technical support to Women and Sustainable initiative (including gender oriented)”
The general objective of this assignment is to support the DEVCO C6 team, to establish a monitoring system for the totality of ongoing EU funded energy projects and a more specific approach for the results of the projects under the umbrella of the “EU Women and Sustainable Initiative” (the Gender initiative hereafter). For this Initiative, the assignment will also help to make the links between the projects and capitalise the experiences as well as disseminate good practices. At a larger extent, it will support gender mainstreaming in energy projects.

2019/02 (056) RDV Nuclear 2018/402-020, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Assessment of the “Training and Tutoring” projects, Nuclear Waste projects in Ukraine and the Nuclear Safety Cooperation with Armenia”
The main objective of this assignment is to provide to the European Commission (DG DEVCO) and the Beneficiaries/End-Users: 1. a review of the support provided to beneficiaries / end-users of the projects defined under Components I, II and III under INSC I and II; 2. an impact assessment of the cooperation activities under INSC I and II; 3. a gap analysis resulting in an action plan that could be supported by the EU under future projects.

2018/12 (053) China 2018/400-343, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Ex-post Evaluation of the Intellectual Property Key to sustainable Competitiveness Project”
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders with: 1. An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the Action, paying particular attention to its final results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; 2. Key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve future Actions.

2018/12 (049) Egypt 2018/401-545, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Mid-term evaluation of support to Agricultural SMEs (“SASME”)”
The overall objective of the programme is to support the efforts of the Government of Egypt to create job opportunities and income generation in rural areas and develop the agricultural sector.

2018/12 (048) Egypt 2018/402-141, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
Final evaluation of “Emergency Employment Investment Project”
The general objective of this assignment is to contribute to poverty reduction through activities supporting employment creation and income generation for the poor. This will contribute to a stronger economic and social cohesion. The project will contribute to the objectives of the broader action designed by the IBRD.

2018/12 (047) Egypt 2018/402-041, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Mid-term Evaluation of the National Solid Waste Management Programme (NSWMP) “
The overall objective of the National Solid Waste Management Programme is to make a significant contribution to sustainable protection of the environment, to protect natural resources and to reduce health risks for the population of Egypt.

2018/11 (040) Afghanistan 2018/400-954, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Mid-Term Review of the ‘Advancing Afghan Trade’ project implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) “
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and other interested stakeholders with: 1. An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the ”Advancing Afghan Trade” project, paying particular attention to its intermediate results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results. 2. Key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future actions. 3. key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations to serve as a good basis mechanism for the formulation of the AAT phase 2.

2018/11 (036) Jamaica 2018/400-981, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Programme for Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality (PROMAC) Civil Engineer”
The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to the successful preparation/formulation, implementation and management of the Jamaican Government – European Union (GoJ-EU) Cooperation Programme.

2018/12 (035) West Bank Gaza 2018/399-381, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Gaza Industrial Estate incentive program”
The global objective of this assignment is creating enabling conditions to industrial development in Gaza.

2018/10 (034) Chad 2018/400-894, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Assistance technique pour la mise en oeuvre du projet “Initiative OMD : eau potable et assainissemen”
L’objectif général du projet dont ce marché fait partie est le suivant “lutter contre la pauvreté par l’amélioration des conditions de vie et de santé des populations à travers un accès étendu, durable et équitable à l’eau potable et à des infrastructures améliorées d’assainissement“.

2018/10 (031) Serbia 2018/401-400, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Technical Assistance to the Contracting Authority in decentralised management for the management of infrastructural projects under IPA TAIB and IPA NAP”
The overall objective of the programme is to further strengthen the administrative and managerial capacity of the Decentralized Management structure for the management of the EU financial aid to the Republic of Serbia to effectively and efficiently manage EU funded infrastructural projects.

2018/11 (030) Cyprus 2018/398-798, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Technical Assistance for the Implementation of an Energy Efficiency Programme in Schools”
The overall objective of the programme, of which this contract is a part, is to prepare the Turkish Cypriot community for the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the sector of energy in general and in regard to energy efficiency, beginning with schools, in particular.

2018/12 (029) Sierra Leone 2018/403-098, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Study to design support for the governance in Sierra Leone’s transport sector”
The overall objective of the project is to improve sustainability and security of the regional road transport system through a program to be designed by this assignment in order to obtain the results as described in the 11th EDF RIP regional financing agreement (FA) Nr. ROC/FED/23-219 dedicated to Sierra Leone.

2018/10 (026) Bangladesh 2018/401-432, FWC SIEA 2018 LOT2
“Ex-post Evaluation of the “Better Work and Standards programme (BEST)”
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, and the interested stakeholders with: 1. An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the BEST programme , paying particular attention to its results measured against its objectives. 2. Key lessons and recommendations in order to improve future Actions

2018/08 (020) Uganda 2018/399-295, FWC SIEA 2018 Lot2
“Diagnostic Studies N° 2.1 to 2.5 To support the Mid-Term-Review of Uganda’s 2nd National Development Plan (NDP-2) and evaluation of NDP-1: Infrastructure (2.1), Employment (2.2.), Industrialization and Value Addition (2.3), Minerals, Oil and Gas (2.4), Tourism (2.5)”
The overall objective of this Assignment is to To contribute to the Government of Uganda’s successful completion of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the 2nd National Development Plan (NDP2) and the end evaluation of the 1st National Development Plan (NDP-1).

2018/07 (001) Malawi 2018/398-570, FWC SIEA 2018 Lot2
“Support to Formulation of a Programme on Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusiveness”
The overall objective of this Assignment is to assist the Government of Malawi and the EUD formulate a new programme on Entrepreneurship Development and Financial Inclusiveness, for measures in favour/support of CSOs/and to propose feasible modalities for EU support for the benefit of entrepreneurs and TVET graduates in Malawi.

2018/04 Italy (22) Nr. TA2017164 IT HUB, FWC EIBas, LOT3
“National Logistics Information Technology Platform Business Case”
Objective: The overall objective of this Assignment is to advise UIRNet to determine the scope, business case and financial viability of the Project.

2018/03 République Centrafricaine (185) Nr. 2018/395461, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Évaluation à mi-parcours avancé du Programme d’Appui au Secteur de l’entretien Routier et au Transport par voie d’eau”
L’évaluation à mi-parcours a pour principaux objectifs de présenter aux services de coopération extérieure concernés de l’Union européenne, au gouvernement partenaire et, le cas échéant, au grand public :
1) une appréciation globale, en toute indépendance, de la relevance et des résultats de l’intervention/action (PASER), en s’attachant plus particulièrement aux résultats du projet par rapport à ses objectifs, tel que décrits dans le cadre logique de la Convention de Financement,
2) les principaux enseignements de l’intervention et des recommandations afin d’améliorer les mesures en cours et les futures actions.

2018/01 République Démocratique du Congo (178) Nr. 2017/394216, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Mission d’appui aux infrastructures santé en RDC”
Le principal objectif de cette mission tend à soutenir, dans le cadre du plan national de développement sanitaire (PNDS) et dans le contexte global de la lutte contre la pauvreté, le progrès de la santé pour la population de la RDC.

2017/12 Turkey (175) Nr. 2017/390048, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Mapping out EU programming priorities in the field of intelligent transport services (ITS)”
The global objective of this assignment is to support the DEU in its programming efforts under the action 2 (intelligent transport system) of the transport sector operational program. The EU has earmarked certain funds for Turkey to benefit from instrument for pre-accession in the field of intelligent transport.

2017/12 Balkans (176) Nr. 2017/390894, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Evaluation of the Western Balkans Investment Framework Technical Assistance Instrument: the Infrastructure Project Facilities”
The overall objective of this assignment is to support the sustainable socio-economic growth of the Western Balkans by developing infrastructure through the WBIF.

2017/11 Haïti (172) Nr. 2017/390350, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Audit technique et financier des contrats de travaux et de services du programme binational de Ouanaminthe, Haïti”
L’objectif général de la présente mission est d’assurer le respect des conditions contractuelles par les contractants des marchés de travaux et service, notamment du point de vue technique et financier, afin d’obtenir les résultats du programme.

2017/11 Malawi (170) Nr. 2017/389582, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“External Technical Audit of the Bwanje Valley”
The global objective of this assignment is to provide assurance to the EU Delegation, NAO SU, and Supervisor that the Contractor’s works and Supervising Consultant’s services are being carried out in accordance with their respective contracts with regard to the organisational, technical, contractual and financial aspects, during the implementation of the project.

2017/10 Sénégal (168) Nr. 2017/389636, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Evaluation à Mi-parcours de la Mise en Oeuvre et D’Audit Technique du Programme PEPAM UE”
Objective: 1) Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer de façon durable la santé en milieu rural grâce à l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement dans les régions de Kolda, Sedhiou et Tambacounda; 2) Améliorer la gouvernance du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.

2017/09 Sénégal (163) Nr. 2017/387806, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Evaluation Finale du Programme d’Assainissement des Centres Sécondaires – Phase II – Eaux Usées”
Objective: L’objectif général du projet est l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations des villes de Mbour, Richard Toll, Tivaouane, Diourbel et Mbacké.

2017/07 Romania (12) Nr. TA2017088 RO RP1 , FWC EIBas, LOT3
“Support to the Transport – LIOP Beneficiaries: CFR SA – Opinions on claims”
Objective: The overall objective of the Assignment is to assist the EIB PAS Team in their support to CFR SA.

2017/06 Romania (07) Nr. TA2016116, FWC EIBas, LOT4
“Access-to-finance conditions for companies investing in the Photonics and Micro-electronics/components companies”
Objective: The overall objective of this Assignment is to carry out a mapping of the key access-to-finance conditions for companies working in the Photonics and Micro-electronics/components sectors in Europe.

2017/06 Serbia (162) Nr. 13SER01/14/121, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Technical Assistance to the Customs Administration of the Republic of Serbia to tender Construction of Border Crossing Point (BCP) Kotroman”
Objective: The overall objective of this project is to improve the quality of the services of the Customs Administration, Border Police and the Veterinary Inspection services, increase the capacity of CAS, ensure efficient and effective integrated border control and improve the fight against illegal migration.

2017/04 Greece (07) Nr. TA2017028, FWC EIBas 2016, LOT3
“National Transport Plan for Greece”
Objective: The Ministry wishes to appoint a technical consultant (hereafter, the “Service Provider”) to support in the development of a Transport Plan that will facilitate the identification and justification of future necessary policies and investments in the transport sector (hereafter, the “Assignment”). The Transport Plan will be developed in tandem with the development of Strategic Transport Planning capabilities within the Ministry. Both activities are being undertaken with the support of JASPERS.

2017/04 Ukraine (154) Nr. 2017/384144, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Analysis of the current state of play in the inland waterways transport sub-sector and performance on Dnieper river, and drafting Terms of Reference for a new technical assistance project ´´Assistance for Dnieper transport development´”.
Objective: To facilitate and promote the reform in the waterborne transport. This reform will be directly relate with the obligations of the art. 367 of the AA “to promote efficient, effective and safe transport operations”.

2017/01 Latin America (149) Nr. 2016/380803, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF) Monitoring and technical advice”.
Objective: improve the quality of the Latin American Investment Facility Programme (LAIF) – which in turn should contribute to poverty reduction.

2016/11 Bénin (137) Nr. 2016/379280, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Evaluation finale de deux projets dans le secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement en zones rurales en Guinée-Bissau, identification et formulation du programme d’appui du même secteur dans le cadre du 11ème FED”.
Objectif : réaliser l’évaluation ex-post des deux projets et assurer pendant deux années un suivi régulier de la route et de son évolution technique.

2016/09 Lesotho (129) Nr. 2016/374375, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Lesotho Lowlands Water Supply Scheme – Phase II”.
Objective: contribute to access for Lesotho’s people and productive sectors to safe, affordable, equitable, sustainable and reliable water services.
2016/09 Niger (125) Nr. 2016/374419, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Mise en place d’audits techniques réguliers des marchés de travaux et de surveillance associés, pendant l’exécution des projets de réhabilitation des routes Balleyara – Filingué et Agadez-Tiguidit au Niger”.
Objectif : évaluer les prestations des titulaires des marchés de travaux et des titulaires des marchés de surveillance et contrôle d’un point de vue organisationnel, technique, contractuel et financier pendant la phase d’exécution du projet.

2016/05 Tchad (115) Nr. 2016/374454, FWC BENEF 2013, LOT2
“Appui aux activités de réception provisoire des travaux des AEP et des UPH dans le cadre du PAEPA”.
Objectif : contribuer à l’amélioration de manière durable des performances du secteur tchadien à l’accès à l’eau potable et au renforcement du cadre institutionnel.
2014/05 Awarded for the Support to the organization of the „Continental Conference on the Death Penalty“
On 16th May 2014, Nookom EEIG (conducted by Consulting & Management in partnership with TIPIK Communications, Vadear and Methods & Planning) has been awarded the Request N° 2014/343278/1, FWC BENEFICIARIES 2013 – LOT 5 Conference, EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi, “Support to the organisation of the Continental Conference on the Death Penalty“
The purpose of this assignment is to organise a 3-day event for 150 participants, the “Continental Coference on Death Penalty”. The event aims to raise awareness on death penalty, build the capacity to advocate for the abolition on the death penalty and to provide a paltform to developm or come up with the advocacy strategies. The event will take place in Cotonou , Benin on 9-11 June 2014.
2014/04 Awarded for the project EuropeAid/134027/C/SER/Multi
On 14th April 2014, Nookom EEIG, consortium leader (conducted by Consulting & Management in partnership with TIPIK Communications, Vadear and Methods & Planning) in the consortium Zain has been awarded for the 2,5 MEUR contract “Organisation of Conferences, Seminars and Meetings in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (Southern cooperation), the Euro Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean”.
The overall objective of the project is to ensure the organisation of the logistics of the conferences, seminars and meetings dedicated to the European Neighbourhood Policy (Southern cooperation) during the period 2014-2015.
2014/04 Awarded for the project “EAHC/2013/Health /14”
On 11th April 2014, Nookom EEIG (conducted by TIPIK Communications in partnership with Consulting & Management, Vadear and Methods & Planning) has been awarded for the contract “EAHC/2013/Health/14 related to the implementation of framework contracts in cascade on external assistance for external communication activities in the fields of public health, consumers and food safety”.
The main objective of the contract is to provide communication and dissemination services to the Executive Agency concerning the health programme, the consumer programme and the ‘Better training for safer food’ initiative which it implements. The services to be covered are divided into three packages WP 1: multimedia graphic design, information material and websites; WP 2: organisation of conferences, exhibitions and other events; WP 3: audio-visual services.
2014/03 Awarded for the “Support to organization of IPA Multi-beneficiary Coordination Meetings on 2014”
On 31st March 2014, Nookom EEIG (conducted by Consulting & Management in partnership with TIPIK Communications, Vadear and Methods & Planning) has been awarded the Request N° 2014/337590/1, FWC BENEFICIARIES 2012 – LOT 5 Conference, EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi, “Support to organization of IPA Multi-beneficiary Coordination Meetings on 2014”.
The specific objective is to ensure logistics for the two 2014 Multi-Beneficiary IPA Programme Meetings. The first meeting will take place in Istanbul on 15-16th May 2014 and the second meeting shall be organised in Brussels in November/December 2014. Each event with 2 days duration and is expected to host 75 participants from EU DG ELARG, EU Delegations and national counterparts for EU IPA programs
2014/03 Awarded for the “Organization of meetings for the negotiations of an EPA between EU and AC”
On 21st March 2014, Nookom EEIG (conducted by Consulting & Management in partnership with TIPIK Communications, Vadear and Methods & Planning) has been awarded the Request N° 2014/337637/1, FWC BENEFICIARIES 2012 – LOT 5 Conference, EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi, Organisation of meetings with the topic “Organization of meetings of negotiating Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union (EU) and the countries of Central Africa (AC)”.
The overall objective is to encourage the cooperation between the European Union and Central Africa, including negotiations for Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The events will have a total duration of 7 days and they are expected to host 110 participants.
Awarded for the “Technical Assistance for Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey – III”
Nookom EEIG (conducted by Consulting & Management in partnership with TIPIK Communications, Vadear and Methods & Planning) in the consortium led by International Consulting Expertise (ICE), has been awarded for the contract “Technical Assistance for Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey – III”.
The aim of the project is to provide technical assistance to the Ministry for EU Affairs for the implementation of three grant schemes (“Political criteria”, “Media” and “Micro Grants for participation to NGO events”) and assistance to the Grant Beneficiaries during the implementation of their projects, as well as to design and implement media trainings in order to establish a better communication on EU related issues and to improve media-civil society relations.
Awarded for the organization of the SC meetings „Support to the Maritime transport sector in Africa”
Nookom EZHZ, the European Economic Interest Grouping conducted by the Consulting & Management (C&M) in partnership with Methods & Planning, Tipik Communication Agency and Vadear was awarded the Request N 2014/337610 – Version 1, FWC BENEFICIARIES 2013 – LOT 5 Conferences, Logistical support for Steering committee meetings of the programe „Support to the Maritime transport sector in Africa“.
The Steering Committee meetings of the programme “Support to the Maritime transport setor in Africa” will be held in May 2014 in Brussels. The Steering Committee will oversee and validate the overall direction and policy of the programme, financed from the 10th EDF Intra ACP envelope, that will support development in specific areas of maritime transport in Africa.
2013/07 Shortlisted for “Med media: Towards media sector reform in the southern Mediterranean region”
On 18th July 2013, the European Economic Interest Grouping – Nookom EZHZ conducted by C&M was shortlisted to take part in the tender procedure lead by Sofreco for the project EuropeAid/133722/C/SER/Multi, “Med media: Towards media sector reform in the southern Mediterranean region”.
The overall objective of the project is to enhance the role of the media as vectors for democratisation, and support to freedom of expression in the south Mediterranean countries and territories. The specific objective of this project is to support the development of a more public service oriented media landscape in the southern Mediterranean region.
2013/07 Shortlisted for “Public Diplomacy and Outreach Actions – Thailand”
On 25th July 2013, the European Economic Interest Grouping – Nookom EZHZ conducted by C&M in partnership with TIPIK, Vadear and Methods & Planning was shortlisted to take part in the tender procedure for the “Public Diplomacy and Outreach Actions- Thailand”.
The overall objective of the project is to deepen the political, economic and cultural relationships of the EU with Thailand on account of the Union The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to deepen the political, economic and cultural relationships of the EU with Thailand on account of the Union’s strategic interest in promoting those relationships and for making the EU more relevant as a global actor in all areas covered by the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) strategy with Asia and other relevant key EU strategies (e.g. “The EU 2020 Vision”) that have also an external action dimension.
2013/07 Shortlisted for “EU Infopoint in the northern part of Nicosia”
On 8th July 2013, the European Economic Interest Grouping – Nookom EZHZ conducted by C&M in partnership with TIPIK, Vadear and Methods & Planning was shortlisted to take part in the tender procedure for the “Technical assistance for providing information services aiming to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union through running an EU Infopoint in the northern part of Nicosia”.
The overall objective of the project is to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the European Union and contribute to facilitate efforts regarding a settlement of the Cyprus problem leading to reunification of the island.
Awarded for the Organisation of seminar with the topic “EU Civil society human rights seminar with African Union”
Nookom, through Methods & Planning in cooperation with C&M, was awarded the Request N° 2013/326784, FWC BENEFICIARIES 2009 – LOT 5 Conference, EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/multi, Organisation of seminar with the topic “EU Civil society human rights seminar with African Union”.
The European Commission, represented by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation, Sector for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (DEVCO/B1), the Unit for Human Rights in the External Action Service (EEAS) and the EU Delegation to the African Union, plan to organise the EU-AU civil society human rights seminar in Brussels, Belgium. The indicative dates of the event are the 18 and 19 November 2013. The event will have a duration of 2 full days and it is expected to host 70 participants.
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