Organisation of a webinar « Towards a sustainable cultural and creative industry in ACP countries »
Number of participants: 200
9 – 10 June 2021
The cultural and creative industry is one of the most affected sectors by the Covid-19 crisis. More than ever the ACP-EU Culture program, funded since 2019 by the European Union and implemented by the Organisation of ACP States is asked for support. This 2-day international webinar aims to discuss current issues and new developments. This high-level online event will be set up by C&M to provide professional IT resources and technical support to ensure a smooth ‘digital running’ of the event.
The ACP-EU culture programme, funded in 2019, has its aims in encouraging entrepreneurship and cultural innovations, creating new jobs and increasing the income of artists or those in cultural professions. It also wishes to improve the quality of ACP cultural productions by promoting artists and creators from ACP countries on the regional and international markets. For instance, only in 2020, the ACP-EU culture programme provided support in more than fifty projects (fiction films, series and documentaries) for an amount of € 1,8 million. This led to launch calls for proposals each year to operators on regional and local levels, and such webinars intend to raise awareness about the opportunities offered in cultural industries around the ACP region. During this international webinar, culture stakeholders will be able to discuss issues in the sector of culture and creativity industry, while being virtually linked through interactive videoconference and Q&A sessions.
C&M, service provider of Nookom, will support this important webinar professionally with the digital logistics and technical support required for an attendance of around 200 international participants online. Access will be provided to the participants by a secured link after proper registration, and through the whole webinar the participants will be guided by an interactive panel during each session. Simultaneous interpretation in French, English and Portuguese will allow international participants to follow the webinar easily, and the platform will be duly branded for the event, to offer proper visibility of the programme.